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Geezers thumbnail
Geezers eAudiobook
Monica Lavers / Monica Lavers

The SAS is staffed by the toughest and most resourceful soldiers in the world - only the cream of th..

Goodbye East End thumbnail
Goodbye East End eAudiobook
David Merron / David Thorpe

As Hitler’s bombs threatened London during World War Two eight-year-old David Merron was removed f..

Is There Life Outside the Box? thumbnail
Is There Life Outside the Box? eAudiobook
Peter Davison / Gordon Griffin

Peter Davison became a national treasure for having his arm up a cow in his role as Tristan Farnon i..

A Good Place to Hide thumbnail
A Good Place to Hide eAudiobook
Peter Grose / Gordon Griffin

In the upper reaches of the Loire lies the secluded village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon. Their whole vi..

Likely Tale Lad thumbnail
Likely Tale Lad eAudiobook
Mike Pannett / Mike Pannett

For a young Mike Pannett growing up in North Yorkshire in the late 1960s and early '70s was a dream ..

Sister Kate thumbnail
Sister Kate eAudiobook
Kate O'Hanlon / Annie Farr

“Running Casualty is really very simple: you have to love everybody you have to listen to everybod..

Our Daily War thumbnail
Our Daily War eAudiobook
Andrey Kurkov / Andrey Kurkov

The determination of the Ukrainian armed forces and entire population of the country have won the ad..

Running Free thumbnail
Running Free eAudiobook
Richard Askwith / Richard Askwith

Richard Askwith wanted more. Not convinced running had to be all about pounding pavements buying fan..

Above and Beyond thumbnail
Above and Beyond eAudiobook
Saskia Swann; Nicola Stow / Julie Maisey

Heavily in debt and earning peanuts as a 'trolley dolly' Saskia Swann desperately needed to get her ..

Shadows of the Workhouse thumbnail
Shadows of the Workhouse eAudiobook
Jennifer Worth / Annie Aldington

In the 1950s Jennifer Worth was a district midwife in East London. She worked with an order of nursi..

Today We Die a Little thumbnail
Today We Die a Little eAudiobook
Richard Askwith / Richard Askwith

Emil Zátopek won five Olympic medals set 18 world records and went undefeated over 10000 metres for..

Sagittarius Rising thumbnail
Sagittarius Rising eAudiobook
Cecil Lewis / John Telfer

Sent to France with the Royal Flying Corps at just 17 and later a member of the famous 56 Squadron C..

Seven Signs of Life thumbnail
Seven Signs of Life eAudiobook
Aoife Abbey / Caroline Lennon

For a doctor in Intensive Care intense emotion is part of the job. Fear in the eyes of a terminally ..

Happy Old Me thumbnail
Happy Old Me eAudiobook
Hunter Davies / Cameron Stewart

On 8th February 2016 Hunter Davies' wife Margaret Forster died of spinal cancer and in the days that..

A Year on Our Farm thumbnail
A Year on Our Farm eAudiobook
Matt Baker / Matt Baker

Matt Baker is happiest on the farm. Away from the bright lights of hosting our favourite television ..