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Happy Old Me

Hunter Davies / Cameron Stewart
On 8th February 2016 Hunter Davies' wife Margaret Forster died of spinal cancer and in the days that followed Hunter was forced to navigate the implications of being widowed. Revealing his emotional journey over the course of one year he talks about being alone again after 55 years of marriage coping with bereavement and being elderly and shares the wisdom and lessons he has learnt - and his hopes for the future. Part memoir part self-help Happy Old Me is a fitting heartfelt tribute to the love of his life and an amusing and informative book about growing old.

  • Published by Oakhill Publishing
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre Biography
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st July 2019
  • Duration 09 Hrs. 09 Mins.
  • ISBN 0000000420286